Proceed Archiving Service

Making expert archiving part of the "day-to-day" - driving long term benefits

Why make archiving part of your day-to-day

When engaging with customers about archiving, we often get asked, “When is a good time to start archiving?” The answer is without a doubt, start as soon as possible and don’t stop. In many cases when customers are already archiving, we’ve managed to identify areas where we can make significant improvements.

Why is it so important?  Databases typically grow by 15 – 20% per year and that excludes any significant business changes. This growth comes at a cost and it is crucial that you put steps in place to keep this at a minimum. By applying SAP Data Archiving as a Service with the help of Proceed, you can reduce this growth to less than 2%. Archiving has many other benefits.

Why involve the experts

With Proceed Archiving Service, we provide a number of services to support your ongoing archiving.  We can either run your archiving on your behalf or support your in-house archiving. The choice is yours. Their are clear benefits of having an expert team involved.

Access to SAP archiving experts

  • Access to fully trained SAP data management experts
  • Worked across all sectors and continents
  • Optimising archiving potential and cost reduction

Continuity of service

  • A business as usual approach, ensuring archiving is never de-prioritised
  • Scalable resource pool to meet changing demands of the business
  • Reduced risk by having a control over resources and costs

We always say: "If you have not done any archiving yet, start today. If you are archiving, do more" Many companies miss a trick with leaving archiving for later.

What elements are included in the service?

Our service is available in different parts to accommodate your specific scenario.

Archiving Support

  • Dedicated helpdesk to support archiving related queries including issues with the archiving process or retrieving data from the archive
  • Includes regular archiving Health checks to track archiving effectiveness

Day-to-day archiving

  • We run your archiving on your behalf. This includes the execution of archive runs, variant resolution and successful completion of all jobs
  • Monthly reporting tracking KPI’s to measure impact of archiving

Growth management

  • Focus on continued improvements by pro-actively identifying opportunities for archiving, especially important to accommodate business changes
  • Value-add possibilities are implemented and forms part of the ongoing archiving
  • Infrastructure optimisation such as moving archive to cloud environment and management covered by Proceed

Reporting service

  • Access to archived data is crucial to support business and regulatory requirements
  • Our reporting extension allows for the creation of bespoke reports direct from the archive to deal with both external and internal requests

Case study: Maple Leaf Foods made their transition to SAP S/4HANA with an archiving apporach

Maple Leaf Foods were faced with a number of challenges moving from their SAP ECC system to SAP S/4HANA. Learn how Proceed helped rightsize their data allowing for the successful removal of approximately 4.5TB of data, which ensured a much more efficient transition to the new system.

What is the impact of "day-to-day" archiving?

The benefits of SAP Data Archiving as a Service are very clear. In addition there is a case to be made for making archiving part of your business as usual activities.

  • Typically databases has a linear growth.
  • It will continue to grow until it hits a critical point – where systems are running slow or in worst case scenarios recovery is not possible
  • An archiving project will have an immediate impact, but long term data keep growing
  • A better approach –  starting and continuing archiving early, ensuring your database size remains low
  • It will keep your database size growth to a minimum and significantly reduce business risk

Let us support you on your archiving journey all the way