SAP Data privacy management tool

The GDPR took a giant step forward in updating global data standards and set the new benchmark worldwide. Whilst there are now many more data standards being prepared and introduced in countries around the world, so far all appear to be based largely upon the principles of GDPR, albeit with local emphasis (e.g. the CCPA’s focus on onward selling of consumer lists). Global data privacy management is becoming critical. With this in mind we offer our SAP Data privacy management tool – saving you time while focussing on compliance.

A key question that multi-national organisations are struggling with is how to comply with the demands of all the new standards for data regulations which are being and will continue to be introduced?

  • Do you have a system for each?
  • Do you develop your own corporate privacy policy, which embeds the key principles of those that impact your organisation?
  • How do you handle differences between legislations where they conflict?
  • How do you keep abreast of new standards?


SAP Data privacy management tool features

Using our SAP Data privacy management tool allows you to proactively protect your data, here are some of the features:

Enterprise privacy

  • Multi-standard state-of-the-art data privacy platform
  • Most sophisticated Enterprise data privacy software
  • All-in-one integrated solution, bringing privacy into one place
  • Supports over 100 languages as standard, including Chinese, Japanese and Arabic RTL
  • Ideal Business As Usual (BAU) system


  • Simple but comprehensive templated data surveys with collaborative workflow
  • Model new business processes with self-service portal
  • Enterprise-wide data mapping creating a fully searchable data register
  • Import your existing data, processes, PIA’s etc.
  • Fully customisable templates, surveys and reports
  • Customer branded portal for Data Subject Access / Consumer Requests, breach notification and consent management


  • Automatic renewal of surveys
  • Automated threat and risk assessment
  • Fully customisable alarms for threats and breaches
  • Track your data flows across international boundaries
  • 3rd party vendor assessment
  • Full project management
  • Links to global data dictionaries
  • API’s to integrate with 3rd party system

How we can help you

Our SAP Data privacy management tool introduces a user-configurable rules engine enabling multi-standard compliance by exception. Think of it as regulatory lens through which data privacy is viewed. But that is only the beginning of what this SaaS offers to organisations who want to keep their SAP and other data compliant regardless of where that data sits globally within their organisation.

Providing a solution to the multi-standards question is only the first part.  Data breaches are here to stay whether we like it or not. Meaningful fines though are new are starting to be publicised. As is growing consumer awareness of their rights. Not just the right to see, correct and delete data, but also the right to compensation for infringements.

It seems unlikely that the sizes of the fines or consumer compensations will decrease, so prevention is the best course of action.

Our solution introduces continuous control monitoring. Having considered the causes of many well publicised breaches over the years, what becomes clear is that it is often not the new attack that is the cause, but rather the failure of a simple measure or control that should have prevented the breach from occurring or at least caught it sooner. With our DP Cockpit Solution, we regularly test the controls applicable for privacy compliance and update the risk score accordingly. Failed controls can be seen and responded to before data breaches occur. That is the second important component of our SAP DP Cockpit SaaS.

Consumer consent is an increasingly complex subject. You only have to browse the web for a few minutes to be confronted with consent engines that are annoying and do not achieve the requirements of the GDPR or any other standard ruling across the globe. Block-chain technology opens up a new world of possibilities for consent management and we will introduce a block-chain consent management capability into SAP DP Cockpit solution later this year.

Want to learn more about our SAP Data privacy management tool