Migrating to SAP S/4HANA

Rightsizing approach to your migration

The migration to SAP S/4HANA is a top agenda item for many SAP customers.  It sets-out to deliver innovations including easier customer adoption and improved data models, user experience, decision-making and business processes. It also opens up possibilities across the Internet of Things, Big Data, business networks and mobile-first.

At Proceed Group we are experts in all things SAP data management related and we can assist you on this journey.

Considerations when moving to SAP S/4HANA

There are a number of data related aspects that you need to take into account when you are planning your migration to S/4HANA.

Pre migration preparation

Getting your data in shape prior to the move is essential. Having a rightsized database will help reduce cost and also make the migration process faster. It is far easier to do this before the migration, than afterwards to prevent unnecessary expenditure.

Cost considerations

The migration to S/4HANA can be costly. Something to keep in mind is the cost associated with the size of your database. Not only in terms of moving the data, but also the ongoing infrastructure costs. This is also key when moving to a hyperscaler.

Migration approach

Whether you are starting from scratch ie. doing a greenfield migration or you decide on a brownfield approach, we can support all scenarios. Understanding the impact of your database size and overall system landscape is essential.

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Post move strategy

Once you have moved to S/4HANA, it is important that you keep your data growth under control to prevent spiralling costs. Databases that are not actively managed typically grow by 10 – 15% per year.

The move to S/4HANA is well worth the effort - let us help you make the journey hassle-free and cost effective

How Proceed can assist you

Proceed has helped more than 100 customers on their journey to SAP S/4HANA. We support all approaches, and our products and services cover the full extent of SAP document and data management.

Archiving your SAP data

To reduce the amount of data that you have in your database, the recommended route is SAP archiving. Our archiving experts will work with you to only retain data that is absolutely required and the rest will be stored in a compressed archive – always available when needed.

Rightsizing your data

In addition to offering a free, high-level assessment, we also typically use our Proceed Rightsizer tool. It provides many insights into the distribution of data, the ability to run multiple “what-if” scenarios and what your optimal HANA sizing looks like.

Content solution support

When embarking on an archiving journey, a content server is required for the storing of the compressed legacy data. Our content solution experts will not only provide these platforms through a network of trusted partners, it will also include configuration and installation.

Decommissioning legacy systems

In the case of a greenfield migration, there will also be legacy systems that will need to be retired.  At Proceed we have decommissioned hundreds of legacy SAP systems, providing customers with the ability to save costs, while still retaining access to the data for regulatory and business purposes.

Proceed Archiving Service

Once a move is made to SAP S/4HANA it is important to keep database growth at a minimum. This will not only ensure that costs don’t spiral. It will also allow your business to benefit from the features and improved business processes of the new platform by ensuring optimal performance.

Want to understand more about the S/4HANA move